Last update: 1998-05-01
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Phrenology: Self-esteem
Self-esteem is the faculty which stands for self-love and dignity.
An underdeveloped Self-esteem causes a lack of self-confidence, a lack
of pride and a servile docility.
An overdeveloped Self-esteem stands for egotism, prejudice, self-centredness,
arrogance and disdain.
In moderate development, it confers self-confidence and self-reliance, with a
sense of personal responsibility and dignity, and a proper sense of pride.
Self-esteem is located on the upper back of the skull, at an angle of approximately
45¡ drawn from the aural conduct.
See also the Phrenological Chart
Interaction with other faculties:
Self-esteem + Firmness: egoistic arrogance,
tyrannism, desire to rule and control others